Bursary & Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)

Bursary and Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)

Eligible courses: Full Time Further Education Courses up to SCQF Level 6

Our Student Funding Team have put together a series of helpful FAQ’s on Bursaries and the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) to help you with your applications.

All students who have been offered a place on a course will be sent a link to apply for their funding online.  

Please ensure your email address is your own (not shared) and up to date as this is how we will communicate with you.

illustration of a young woman standing next to a large building with trees behind it

FE Bursary – Parentally Supported Student:

You may be eligible if you are a full time further education student between 18 – 24 years of age. To qualify you must be

  1. 18 – 24 years at the start date of the course
  2. Not living with a partner
  3. Have no dependent children
  4. Not been financially self supporting for 3 years

Maximum weekly Bursary £85.90 means-tested.

illustration of a young woman sitting on a pile of oversized books reading.
Bursary Application AssessmentMay be eligible forInformation requiredDocuments Required
Age between 18 and 24 parentally supported student

Residency and previous study rules apply
Fees paid,

Travel costs ,

Study costs,

Additional support needs allowance,

Dependant allowance,

Maximum weekly bursary award £85.90
Personal details,



Student’s income,

Household income,

Bank details,

Travel details
Birth certificate or passport,

Parent(s) P60(s), or benefit letters or Self Assessment Tax Return

Proof of student’s income

Council Tax notice

Tax Credit Award Notice

Sibling(s) birth certificate(s)
Student also has own tenancy agreementPossible additional weekly bursary of £22.65 – no award will exceed £108.55 per weekAs above plus own accommodation detailsStudent’s tenancy agreement in own name

FE Bursary – Independent Student

You may be eligible if you are in full time further education and 25+ years old or independent at the start of your course. To qualify you must be

  1. Single and aged 25 or over or
  2. Under 25 and either
    – Financially self supporting for 3 years or
    – Have dependent child or
    – Married / civil partnership / living with partner

Maximum weekly bursary £125.55 means-tested.

Bursary Application AssessmentMay be eligible forInformation requiredDocuments Required
Independent Student

Residency and previous study rules
Fees paid

Travel costs 

Study costs

Additional support needs allowance

Dependent allowance

Maximum weekly bursary award £108.55
Personal details



Proof of student’s income

Proof of partner’s income (if applicable)

Bank details

Travel details
Birth certificate or passport

Proof of income (3 full years’ evidence required if single and aged under 25)

Partner’s income details, eg P60, benefit letter, Self Assessment Tax Return

Council Tax notice

Tax Credit Award Notice/Universal Credit statement (if applicable)

Child’s birth certificate or passport (if applicable)
illustration of a man with space behind him and a mobile phone.

FE Bursary – Care Experienced Student

This is a non means tested award available to any student who has at any time been looked after by a local authority in the UK. 

Qualifying students must have reached their statutory school leaving date, there is no upper age limit.  You will be expected to provide proof of your period of care from the relevant local authority.  You must also provide evidence of any benefit entitlement which may be affected when determining eligibility for this award.

Examples of Care Provision which may qualify you for this award

  • Foster Care.
  • Kinship Care.
  • Residential Care.
  • Compulsory Supervision Order with no condition of residence
    (Looked after at home)
    (Previously known as a Supervision Requirement).
  • Compulsory Supervision Order with a condition of residence
    (Looked after away from home)
    (Previously known as a Supervision Requirement).
  • Permanence Order

Maximum weekly bursary £225 non means-tested.

Care Experienced Bursary Application Assessment:May be eligible forInformation requiredDocuments Required
Care Experience evidence submitted

Residency and previous study rules apply
Fees paid

Travel costs 

Study costs

Additional support needs allowance

Maximum weekly bursary award £225
Personal details



Student’s income

Bank details

Travel details

Proof of Care Experienced status
Birth certificate or passport

Social Work Letter or alternative form of evidence

Proof of benefits to ensure optimum award

Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)

You may be eligible if you are in full time further education and 16 or 17 years of age.

  1. Under 18 years at the start date of the course
  2. Living with parents or legal guardians
  3. Have no dependent children

EMA weekly payment is £49.91, means-tested as shown:

1 child: £0 – £24,421
2+ children: £0 – £26,884

Illustration of a teenager lying on the floor with a laptop next to a bookcase.
EMA Application AssessmentMay be eligible forInformation requiredDocuments Required
Parental income less than £24,421 (households with 1 child), or £26,884 (households with 2 or more children).

Residency rules apply.
Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) £30 per week

Tuition fees

Travel costs 

Study costs (course materials)

Additional support needs allowance
Personal details


Household income


Bank details

Travel details
Birth certificate or passport
No parental income declared

Or household income is more than £24,421 (households with 1 child),

or household income is more than £26,884 (households with 2 or more children).

Residency rules apply.
NOT eligible for EMA weekly allowance but following elements will be considered:

Tuition fees

Travel costs 

Study costs (course materials)

Additional support needs allowance
Personal details



Travel details
Birth certificate or passport
EMA Away from Home AllowancePossible additional weekly payment maximum £49.91As above plus own accommodation detailsStudent’s tenancy agreement in own name

How to apply

You will be sent an email link once you have been offered a place on a course. If you need any help or advice please contact a Student Adviser.

illustration of a man handing a form to an adviser