Where can I find the Council Tax Exemption Form?
If you are a full-time student you may be eligible for an exemption from paying your council tax or a reduction in your council tax. The decision will be up to the Council, but we can help you by providing you with your application, usually called a “Council Tax Disregard”.
You can only apply for this once you are enrolled and in attendance, either in person or virtually and you must be a current full time student to be eligible. You can find the form on the student portal once you login (see below for further details). If you have any issues e.g. not seeing your form, please contact Student Records sturec@dumgal.ac.uk.

Where on Student Portal do I find my form?
When you login (top right of this page) you will find your council tax exemption form by clicking the link labelled “Council Tax Exemption Form” this page should then have a link on it to download a generated form you can download and print out.
Please note that this will only appear after you have been marked in attendance on a register, so if you have only been marked in attendance today check back tomorrow and you should be able to see the block and download the form.
Where can I get more help?
If your query is regarding the council tax form please contact Student Records via sturec@dumgal.ac.uk. For any other funding queries our Student Funding Team are here to help Monday to Friday between 8:45am and 4:30pm.
They can be contacted via email studentfunding@dumgal.ac.uk