Discretionary Funds

Discretionary Funds

These are funds provided by the Scottish Funding Council and Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS) to assist students who may otherwise be prevented from commencing or continuing with their studies. Students would normally have already applied for Bursary / SAAS funding prior to applying to this ‘top up’ fund. These awards are subject to household means-testing – support cannot be offered where the household income exceeds £40,000. Please see the following guide for further information:

illustration of a young woman standing next to a large building with trees behind it

About discretionary funds

  1. Primarily used for help with housing costs of full time students
  2. Household income must be less than £40,000
  3. Weekly expenditure must exceed weekly income
  4. HE students must have taken out their maximum Student Loan
  5. Other emergencies considered
illustration of a young woman sitting on a pile of oversized books reading.

Student Funding Guide

Full Time Further Education Students

Household incomeHousehold income must be less than £40,000
May be Eligible forUp to a maximum of £80 per week towards housing costs if aged 21 or over
Other emergencies may be considered
Information RequiredCompleted discretionary application
Household income
Documents RequiredTenency or mortgage agreement in your own name or joint names
Partner’s income details if applicable OR proof lone parent status
Latest Inland Revenue Tax Credit Award OR Universal Credit Notice
Proof of any Housing Benefit
Council Tax bill

Full Time Higher Education Students

Household incomeHousehold income must be less than £40,000
May be Eligible forUp to a maximum of £25 per week towards housing costs
Other emergencies may be considered
Information RequiredCompleted discretionary application
Household income
Must have taken out maximum Student Loan
Documents RequiredTenancy or mortgage agreement in your own name or joint names
SAAS Award Notice
Partner’s income details if applicable OR proof lone parent status
Latest Inland Revenue Tax Credit award Notice OR Universal Credit Notice
Proof of any Housing Benefit
Council Tax bill

Part Time Further and Higher Education Students

Household incomeHousehold income must be less than £40,000
May be Eligible forNot eligible for help with housing costs
Other emergencies may be considered
Information RequiredCompleted discretionary application
Household income
Documents RequiredEvidence of emergency costs
Partner’s income details if applicable OR proof of lone parent status
Latest Inland Revenue Tax Credit Award Notice OR Universal Credit Notice
illustration of a man handing a form to an adviser

How to apply

Full time students will be sent an email link once you have been offered a place on a course. Part time students should contact either a Student Adviser or a member of the Student Funding Team.