Being Active

Being Active

Why is being Active important to our mental wellbeing ?

We need to ensure that we have enough vitamins, minerals, fibre ,

Being active helps our brain function and process emotions which helps us to deal with what the day has to throw at us .

If our minds are working well then it is likely that our minds will be better meaning we can be happier.

There are 5 main reasons why physical activity improves our mental health and wellbeing.  Exercising:

  1. Reduces stress and anxiety and can lift our moods.
    Exercise is a great way to reduce our stress levels and boost our moods. When we exercise, endorphins are realised which calm anxiety and can lift our moods. This can happen right after exercise and can offer quick relief if we feel stressed and anxious

Information from Mind Brighton and Hove, (2016). Be Active [Online] Available at:
[Accessed: 9th December 2021]

  1. Makes us better able to cope with stress
    “Cortisol is a stress hormone, which is released when something triggers stress, such as certain life events. Cortisol is also released when we exercise, as the body experiences exercise as ‘stress’
    Through exercising regularly, our bodies develop a better control of its release.”

Information from Mind Brighton and Hove, (2016). Be Active [Online] Available at:
[Accessed: 9th December 2021]

Illustration of a young woman meditating in front of a temple
Illustration of a woman doing pilates
  1. Reduces risk of depression
    “Exercise can also be effective at breaking the ‘Cycle of Tiredness’. If we’re feeling tired or depressed, we may be inclined to be less active. However, by being less active, this can increase our feelings or tiredness and depression, further making us likely to do less. “

Information from Mind Brighton and Hove, (2016). Be Active [Online] Available at:
[Accessed: 9th December 2021]

  1. Increases self esteem
    “When we exercise regularly, our bodies get fitter and we feel better about ourselves. Being stronger and more physically fit is likely to improve how we feel about ourselves. By being active, we can also gain a sense of mastery as we get better at the activities we do. Whether it’s being able to lift a heavier set of weights or being able to run a further distance, achieving personal goals can be an empowering experience, and good for building our self-esteem.”

Information from Mind Brighton and Hove, (2016). Be Active [Online] Available at:
[Accessed: 9th December 2021]

  1. Clearer thinking and greater sense of calm
    “Many people find that exercising gives them time away from their thoughts, and time to focus on something that is healthy for them rather than racing thoughts – and a sense of being ‘in the moment’”

Information from Mind Brighton and Hove, (2016). Be Active [Online] Available at:
[Accessed: 9th December 2021]